In 1890, several Czech families settled in the small farming community of Plum. In thanks for their safe journey and in hope for a better life, they devoutly held mass in their homes. By 1896, they desired to have a church of their own. Due to their hard work, their prayers were answered. On June 26,1897, a new wooden church was dedicated and officially named Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church.
For several years, Plum served as a mission parish to Hostyn, Smithville, and Cistern. In 1934, under the direction of Father Paul P Kasper, Plum became an independent parish. In 1943, a new priest named Father Edwar J. Jansky initiated the plan to build a new church as the original church had grown too small. The parishioners enthusiastically supported Father Jansky's idea. The men of the parish quarried and hauled rock from the Muldoon area to the new church side. Despite war times shortages, the new church was completed after ten months of construction. On April 28th, 1946, the new church was solemnly dedicated.
Sts. Peter & Paul Parish was blessed to have a Catholic school during its 100 plus year history. St. Jerome's Parochial School was opened in 1929 and continued to educate the Catholic youth until 1954. The Parish also has a beautiful rectory that was built in 1923 and a dining hall that was constructed in the 1950's. In addition, the parish has two cemeteries.
Over the past 120 years, Sts Peter & Paul Catholic Church has grown from the 24 founding families to over 200 families. As one looks upon the church, one should bear in mind the years of prayer and hard work that went into creating the parish; and more importantly, one should pray for the continuation of the blessings the Lord has bestowed on the parish.